Monday 8 December 2014

Evidence of Star Image

The video starts and finishes throughout focusing primarily on our main character in the video who is both protagonist and lead performer in the idea that this will help the audience relate to this character and help establish that star image that we need to achieve.
 We use many shots throughout the video some of his whole body however also some quite close such as this shot to show who the video is focusing primarily on and we want to let the audience achieve that sense of what he feeling through facial expressions that the body cannot show.
 We are going with Andrew Goodwin's theory of presenting the Star image of the lead as more essential than the rest of the band in ways such as giving him more camera time and placing him center camera in performance sections of the camera.
 Throughout the video we place him center camera without placing him to the left or right showing he is the focus in this narrative and it is his story.
 He is primarily shown to great length throughout the mid section of the video so the audience can see the emotions radiating off the character through camera work and editing.
 Again he is placed primarily center and in the middle of the band to show that he is the main focus and that this is one of the main reasons why our product will succeed and why they should buy it.
In the final scenes of the video we use many over the shoulder tracking shots throughout the care home to bring the audience with our star in a way that will hopefully closely show the emotional journey that our star has been on throughout these particular scenes.
In the last narrative scenes of the video we do introduce a secondary character in form of the grandma, however it is arguable that the scene is still primarily revolving around that of the primary character and the development of which he is undertaking at this point.

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